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Impact Camp
Impact Camp was founded in 2008 by Josh and Sandy Siratt. For over a decade, the Siratt's have been a voice into the lives of so many students and leaders, even seeing students go on to become youth pastors, pastors, and missionaries themselves. They have loved and poured into so many students over the years and it is a pleasure to be apart of their legacy. The impact that they have made will never be able to be measured this side of eternity. I am eternally grateful for the price they paid to say "YES" to God and birth this camp all those many years ago. In 2020, Josh and Sandy made not just a big step but a huge leap into God's plan for their life as they packed up their girls: Sydney, Annie, and Claire, to move to Austria to begin a new chapter in their ministry. We rejoice with every testimony that comes forth of God's goodness to them there, and we know that the impact they will make on Europe has only just begun. I want to thank them for their faithfulness and commitment to seeing Impact camp continue on over a decade later. We are working to see the vision God gave all those years ago continue to be realized, that students would be radically changed by the Spirit of God.

Meet The Team
Camp Phone Directory
Impact Camp Secretary - (936) 400 -7990
Cornerstone Church - (936) 336 -2688
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